
21 Jan 2025

What is Caring?

Caring is giving love and attention to people and things that matter to you. When you care about people you help them. When you do a careful job, you do your very best effort. A caring person treats people and things gently and respectfully. 


Why Practice Caring?


Without caring, nothing and no one matters. If someone is hurt or sick, no one will help them. When people have an “I don’t care” attitude, they do a sloppy or incomplete job. Things break and people are hurt. Caring for people helps others’ feel less alone. Because they care, others trust them. Caring for eachother makes the world a safer and happier and more peaceful  place. 


How do you Practice Caring?

You care about others when you show love and concern by doing kind things for them. Ask them how they are doing and what they think. When they are sad ask “how can I help?” You handle things with control and gentleness. You give your best to everything you do. When you take care of your body you treat it with respect. You keep yourself clean and healthy. You take care of your needs. 


Signs of Success: 

Congratulations! You are practicing Caring when you…

  • Treat others, yourself and each other with care
  • Look at people and listen closely 
  • Handle things carefully
  • Are gentle with anyone or anything place in your care
  • Treat your body with respect
  • Work with enthusiasm and excellence


I will care for others and for myself. I will pay loving attention to the needs of people and animals. I will give my best in everything I do.