
18 Oct 2024

What is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is giving someone another chance after they’ve done something wrong. Knowing that everyone makes mistakes. It’s making amends instead of taking revenge. It is so important to forgive yourself too. Forgiving yourself means to stop punishing yourself or feeling hopeless because of a mistake. Forgiveness is moving ahead, ready to act differently, with compassion, for yourself and faith that you can change. 


Why Practice It?

Everybody does hurtful things at one time or another. Everyone  makes mistakes.  Without forgiveness we hold on to judgmentalness and criticism instead of giving each other the chance to improve. Forgiveness is the best way to encourage ourselves and others to take responsibility for our actions, try harder next time and change for the better. 


How Do You Practice It?

Forgiveness is having the courage to face a mistake that you or someone else has made. You may feel sad, guilty, hurt or angry. Let your feelings come and don’t be afraid to face them, then let them go like leaves blowing away in the wind. Avoid revenge. Decide what amends need to be made. If someone repeatedly hurts you however, you need to stop giving them the opportunity to do so by putting up boundaries.Humbly learn from mistakes. Sometimes mistakes are our best teachers. 

Signs of Success

You are practising Forgiveness when you: 

  • Remember everyone makes mistakes
  • Take responsibility for your own mistakes
  • Stop giving uncaring people a chance to hurt you
  • Accept people without criticism or judgment 
  • Make amends instead of punishing yourself with guilt



I will forgive others and myself. I am willing to give and receive amends. I will learn from my mistakes. Thank you for the power to keep on changing for the better.