
21 Jan 2025

What is Friendliness?

Friendliness is being a friend. It is taking an interest in other people. It is going out of your way to make others feel welcome or to make a stranger feel at home. When you are friendly, you happily share your belongings, time, ideas, and feelings. You share the good times and the bad times together. Friendliness is a great cure for loneliness. 


Why Practice It?

Friendliness helps keep you and others from feeling lonely or left out. It helps people feel that they belong. When something good or bad happens, it feels good to share it with a friend. Friendships don't just happen - they are made by people who are willing to  share friendliness with each other. 


How Do You Practice It?

Friendliness begins with liking yourself and believing you have something to share with others. Be kind to people you don't know. You can be kind to others simply with a sincere smile to them. Show your friends you are glad to see them by asking with genuine interest how their day is going.  Tell those you care about that you appreciate them and their friendship. 


Signs of Success

Congratulations! You are practicing friendliness when you..

  • Like yourself and realise you have a lot to offer
  • Smile and greet someone you don't know 
  • Get to know someone and let them get to know you
  • Show a genuine  interest in others
  • Show caring when a friend needs you
  • Be friendly to others who look and behave differently 




I will be friendly to others starting now. I will smile at strangers and endeavour to show a genuine interest in others. I will strive to be a friend in need.