LIVE with Virtues: An Inclusive Approach

28 Feb 2025

In this way, the question of introducing values to our society, ultimately means imposing one belief system upon many.

As this imposition of beliefs becomes more firmly ingrained into Australian culture, we propose this to be a primary but often unrecognised, contributing factor  behind a lot of the deep social and political schisms developing in Australia, and the Western World.  LIVE with Virtues helps resolve this...

Unfortunately, as the values debate is a politically laden issue, it will be a never ending battle as competing interest groups seek to impose their beliefs upon each other. LIVE with Virtues goes beyond this by getting on with how to build and inspire honour, justice, compassion and courage in all Australians alike.


LIVE with Virtues is inclusive activism and grassroots involvement that supports all Australians in the development of integrity. It is our 5 year objective to see LIVE with Virtues run throughout our education systems, workplaces, community run programs,  and steadily become a household practice.


Recommended for schools, businesses, diverse faith communities, prisons, counselors, drug and alcohol recovery programs, families and individuals Australia wide, LIVE with Virtues delivers life changing results!