
22 Jan 2025

What is Patience?

Patience is a quiet hope, trusting things will turn out for good. Patience is being calm and tolerant when challenges arise. When you or others make mistakes, patience means to show acceptance. Patience is to prepare now and reap later, like waiting for a flower to blossom. Patience endures and commits today for tomorrow. 


Why Practice it? 

Without patience people want their needs and desires fulfilled at once. Living without patience is a very stressful way to live life and will lead to much unhappiness when your wants are not met. Practicing patience means waiting without complaining, forgiving faults and errors in yourself and in the world around you. The world becomes more peaceful and happy when people practice patience. 


How Do You Practice Patience? 

Practicing patience is accepting things you cannot control. This could include how what others do or think, or difficulties you are going through. This does not mean you do not seek out solutions to those things you can influence. You set goals and you  persevere, with the end in mind, knowing what's worth having is worth your patience.  


Signs of Success

Congratulations! You put patience in action when you

  • Calmly tolerate a disappointment or defeat
  • Be willing to wait for what you desire
  • Set goals and persevere until they are fulfilled
  • Do something today for tomorrow
  • Accept peacefully things you cannot change 
  • Forgive the mistakes of others, yourself and the world around you. 



I will be more patient everyday. I will be accepting of the mistakes of others and myself with grace and forgiveness. I have faith the future will be bright.