Standing Against Xenophobia, Anti Semitism, Islamophobia, Afrophobia & Asian Hate

Standing Against Xenophobia, Anti Semitism, Islamophobia, Afrophobia & Asian Hate
Standing Against Xenophobia, Anti Semitism, Islamophobia, Afrophobia & Asian Hate
21 Jan 2025
  • LIVE’s Principles on Multiculturalism include: 

  • ​​An Australian Multiculturalism Act that promotes and values multiculturalism and cultural diversity.
  • All communities to have equal access to education, work and services provided by all levels of government regardless of culture, religion, language, and place of birth.
  • All communities to have equal opportunity for representation and inclusion at local, state, and national levels of government regardless of culture, religion, language, and place of birth.
  • A strong Racial Discrimination Act, including preservation of section 18C.
  • To establish an independent and properly resourced Australian Multiculturalism Commission to protect and promote diversity, to work with human rights and anti-discrimination bodies to create cross-governmental partnerships for diversity, and to implement the Multiculturalism Act.
  • Mandatory cross-cultural and anti-racism training for all government and non-governmental staff engaged in the provision of services to culturally diverse communities.
  • To promote and adequately resource community language studies for all Australians, especially in all schools and tertiary institutions.
  • Improved pathways for culturally and linguistically diverse individuals and communities to participate in broadcast media.