Live with Virtues

We need ways to transform Australian schools and workplaces into safe and happy environments. LIVE works to develop a culture of character where respect, patience, self-discipline, tolerance and joy for life and learning are among the virtues we all master.. Bringing out the very best in the culture of our schools, workplaces and society at large is the priority and the mission of LIVE.


Why Virtues and not Values?

Values are what we value and care about.They could be anything. We may value getting rich and famous, we may value being the best criminal in the world, we may value white supremacy, or power over others, but that does not mean we will have a good character. While values are subjective and culture specific, virtues are universally valued by all cultures.


LIVE with Virtues an inclusive approach” 

In the last approx 20 years since the new millennium, the pursuit of values that has become popularised in Australian however many face the dilemma of how to introduce values and not offend people of diverse belief systems including the various faith groups and the non-religious.  The question of introducing values ultimately means imposing one belief system on many. LIVE with virtues solves this issue.

The values debate will be a never ending battle as competing groups seek to impose their beliefs upon each other. LIVE with Virtues goes beyond this by getting on with how to build and inspire honour, justice, compassion and courage in all Australians. LIVE with Virtues supports all Australians in the development of integrity in their workplaces, schools and community at large.


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