Multi-Faith Religious Freedom

What is Religious Freedom?

What is Religious Freedom: Freedom of religion protects our ability to follow the religious tradition of our choice, without facing discrimination or punishment. These protections are necessary to ensure religion and democracy thrive.

But there is a concerted effort underway to distort religious freedom that seeks to enshrine ultimately hateful anti-religious beliefs into law, and undermine basic human rights protections, and concentrate power in the hands of a select few – at the expense of all  people of faith  from the various religions Australia-wide. 

Multi Faith Religious freedom is a core value for Australians and a fundamental human right reflected in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights -

Article 18: Right to Freedom of Thought and Religion

Based in Sydney, with state and local affiliates nationwide, LIVE mobilises a diverse network of advocates and allies around the shared commitment to advancing true religious freedom for all.

LIVE brings together Australians of diverse religious perspectives and racial orientations to protect and promote freedom of multi-faith religion, and ensure that all of us maintain the basic human right to believe and  to worship as we choose.


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