The approach taken by Canada to asylum seekers could be instructive for Australia.

In Canada, unlike Australia, immigration detention is not mandatory for the majority of
instances. A person's detention must be reviewed on a frequent basis. Unless it is ascertained
that a person represents a danger to the community, he or she must be released from
Did you know that in 2019/20, the average duration spent in custody for asylum seekers in
Canada was 13.9 days? And the percentage of those who were detained for more than 99 days
was 3% ?
In Australia on the other hand, the proportion of people detained for more than 99 days is 81.8%
with 6.9 percent of those detained for more than 1825 days as of February 2021.

5 easy ways you can help Australia’s refugees today:
● Amplify refugee stories.
● Speak out for refugee rights.
● Volunteer to teach your language.
● Support a refugee-owned business.
● Donate to LIVElove


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